Hey. I’m Caitlin.

I’m here to help you overcome barriers and achieve your goals.

Caitlin Topercer, Mental Health Occupational Therapist AZ

I understand that, more than anything, you want to live a life where you’re independent, fulfilled, and excited to wake up each day. If something has been keeping you from that—anxiety or depression, substances, or a specific mental health diagnosis—and does not seem to be improving, you might be questioning if that kind of life is really possible.

I believe it is. And I want to show you how.

Mental health occupational therapy can support you in a different, more holistic way than many other therapies. We are not just talking the way you might in traditional psychotherapy and we are not just addressing symptoms the way you might with medication. We are looking at all of you, from all different angles, to figure out what you need to truly feel better.

What does a mental health occupational therapist do?

I believe I have the best job in the world. Why? Because I don’t just show you what could be possible. I actually partner with you in it.

That means I meet you right where you are on your journey and everything that’s going on. Not just the “problems” you are facing, but all of the other things too: your sleep, leisure & social life, cognitive abilities…everything. After we get that comprehensive picture of what’s going on, we will start to identify the barriers, the things that are not operating the way you want them to. And then, we can work together on overcoming them.

That might look like us practicing social interactions in session. It might be my joining you in an important meeting or conversation. It could be crisis prevention or relapse planning.

Put simply:

I’m here to help you do life easier, happier, and with more independence.

I’m a good fit for you if:

  • You want help with both day-to-day skills + deeper insight into yourself

  • You have tried traditional therapy or medication and have not seen the results you want

  • You are looking for someone who will take the time to slow down and listen to you before jumping to solutions

We might not be a good fit if:

  • You do not feel ready to put new skills into action outside of therapy

  • You want a “quick fix” for the problems you’re facing

  • You are not interested in learning more about the roots of the challenges in your life

  • You are seeking traditional OT services only

My Methods

  • Our nervous systems, which control everything we think & do, are meant to operate in a state of balance. When that balance is disrupted by mental health challenges, trauma, or other influences, we enter a state of unease and dysregulation.

    If that state is going to be changed, we must first address the nervous system. (Otherwise, skills are just a bandaid.) My training in Somatic Experiencing® means we can address this, which makes all of the skills we work on together that much more effective.

  • An “occupation” isn’t just a job; it’s anything that occupies your time throughout your day—the things you must do, as well as the things you want to do (but might not be able to right now).

    In occupational therapy, I partner with you to build skills that will help you thrive in those occupations. We will work on everything from building routines, to improving social interactions, to gaining independence, to learning how to regulate your emotions in difficult circumstances.

  • A trauma-informed approach to therapy means we’ll look at how your brain and nervous system have been influenced by difficult or painful experiences, as well as examine the underlying or residual impacts they are having on your life today.

    Your brain and body’s response to trauma is, in itself, a strength—a way to protect you in the face of difficulty. I’m here to celebrate that inherent resilience while also assisting you in moving forward past former patterns of coping that are no longer serving you or presenting obstacles to achieving your goals. I’ll meet you right where you are on this journey, never forcing my own agenda and instead providing you the time & space you need to heal from trauma and its impact on your life.

I’m with you every step of the way.