Occupational therapy for anxiety & depression

For adults in Phoenix & throughout AZ

You’ve been living this way for far too long.

Anxiety or depression has you at your breaking point. You may feel like you’re doing the bare minimum just to get by, struggling to shower regularly or even get out of bed. Or you might be in a constant state of “go–go-go,” looking like you’ve got it all together on the outside but worried this burnout train is going to crash at any moment.

The people around you don’t understand what you’re facing, and you’ve done everything in your own power to break free of this. But you don’t want to keep doing life this way, because you know things could be different. You’re ready for some support to get there.

How can occupational therapy help with anxiety or depression?

Occupational therapy takes a holistic approach to addressing anxiety and depression. Our work isn’t simply about treating the “symptoms'' you're experiencing, but the underlying causes. It’s also about equipping you with skills, habits, and strategies that you can apply directly to your day-to-day life.

If you’ve tried other methods such as traditional talk therapy or medication to manage your anxiety or depression but haven’t experienced the results you’re looking for, occupational therapy can offer a more comprehensive kind of support that sets you up for success in every area of your life.

How it works


I’m here to offer you a place where you will be truly understood and listened to. We’ll start by looking at all the facets of what’s brought you to therapy, from sleep to your social life, as well as your goals for our time together. This will serve as our roadmap.


Then we’ll start looking at each of the areas of your life and what the barriers are. I’ll help you develop new insight into yourself by identifying symptoms and the underlying causes. We’ll get to the bottom of what’s going on and address it at the source.


With a new ability to tune into yourself and what your brain and body are telling you, we can begin working on coping skills & habits to manage symptoms and accomplish your goals. You’ll be empowered with a toolbox of strategies that allow you to thrive.

Things we can work on together:

  • Self-care & independent living strategies

  • Addressing barriers like low motivation, energy, or mood

  • Nervous system and emotional regulation

  • Social skills and communication

  • Relaxation and stress reduction techniques

  • Improving physical health

Life doesn’t have to stay this way.

Let’s work together to break this cycle and create the kind of life you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Traditional talk therapy is a powerful tool for people experiencing anxiety or depression. However, its main focus on “talking” often leaves out the “doing” part of managing and ultimately overcoming anxiety or depression. Occupational therapy combines these two things, helping you not only gain insight into yourself and better tune into your emotions, but also learn the practical, day-to-day skills that will help you accomplish your goals.

  • We all experience worry or stress from time to time, but it becomes disruptive when it begins to impact our day-to-day life. Anxiety can come in the form of “general” anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, and more. Here are some common symptoms (and things we can work on together!):

    • Stress when communicating or relating to others

    • Feeling nervous or restless

    • Elevated heart rate

    • Sense of impending danger or panic

    • Difficulty concentrating

    • Feeling consumed with worry

    • Insomnia

    • Isolation

  • It’s normal to feel down or sad sometimes. Depression is when that sadness extends over a long period of time and starts to impact multiple areas of life. You may experience:

    • Decreased motivation

    • A sense of helplessness or emptiness

    • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness

    • Fatigue

    • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy

    • Overeating or appetite loss

    • Physical symptoms such as headaches, cramps, or gastrointestinal issues

    • Suicidal thoughts or attempts

  • In order for you to get the most out of occupational therapy, it’s incredibly important that you are working with someone who you feel is a good fit. Click this link to schedule a free consultation with me. We’ll use this time to discuss your goals, my approach, and whether I’m the right therapist for you.